The people behind the magic

What Do You Want in Life, Power? or Predictability?

Power sounds good but it’s not predictable. With predictability you get power for free, two for one. Power is about obstacles, predictability is about which “paths” to take. It’s not a battle. It’s a Communication that puts you on a path. Power leads to always wanting (needing) more. The less predictability you have the more power you need.

Don’t fight life. Put your Self in a position where all your decisions are obvious. Pursue predictability, for then life is no longer about obstacles (dubious decisions) it becomes which “paths” to take. Don’t mistake objects and obstacles as your future. Predict your future. If you put yourself in a place where you don’t need prediction, that means you’re predicting your future. Like Bruce Lee said, “It’s fighting without fighting.”

Aristotle invented critical thinking and science in 350 BC but it was always optional. Until now. For a hundred centuries “reality” was not what we know it as today i.e. truth facts accuracy, authenticity, legitimacy, principles, veracity. Reality was always considered “ugly” as something that ruined your weekends and was to be avoided. Reality was considered an “intrusion” into my world. Those days are over.

Albert Einstein could not be here with us but we remember he changed the world with four papers. Coupla papers that led to the creation of atomic weapons, space travel, satellite technology and a better understanding of reality. I think he was saying you have to understand how to use Analogy. If you only see the world literally then you have to make a decision. He didn’t want to be burdened by this, he didn’t see this as a good way to go. Mick Jagger said he didn’t want to be your beast of burden. The question of what is reality shouldn’t be a burden. The reality here is most of our staff is hungry. Not for creativity, for some Scoobie Snacks! The sponsors down at the very bottom of the page have no relativity they are not paying me, can someone tell them to pay me please. Thank You.

The concern for the future of the human race, is a race. Will humans crack the algorithm in our brain before AI does? More humans than not don’t know what the hell they’re doing, look at what they’re doing. The Turing Test is obsolete, any cheap spam loaded Walmart PC can fool half the population. Just imagine what would happen if we had a politician who lies every day. People would take the bait like a Bass on a hook. Clearly we are clueless.

We tend to think of “algorithm” as something computer related some sort of digital code. The definition of algorithm has nothing to do with computers. Those are digital algorithms, what about organic analog algorithms? The organic ones are much more powerful than the digital ones. If you want to call the human brain a computer, fair enough, if you will, then it runs on organic algorithms. We understand everything about computers we do not understand everything about the human brain.

ChatGPT has around 1 trillion connections, the human brain has around 100 trillion so why does it seems like AI is so intelligent even more than us? What is “intelligent”? Memorizing a whole bunch of crap seems pretty smart but is it really? AI can write papers from scanning millions of articles, that’s nifty but i could do that too if I had a big scanner, and a whole lotta time. AI can mega compare some comparative analysis for the best comparison in 30 seconds. I could do that too if I had a huge staff and plenty of time. 30 seconds vs 30 weeks okay I’m slow. AI knows how to harness the 1 trillion connections for horsepower, success by brute force. Humans have 100 trillion and still can’t get the horsepower going. We can we will we have no choice. In the meantime Humans have 100 times more than AI and sometimes they still appear dumb as a rock what’s the deal? Does Jerry Seinfeld know?

One thing AI can not do that human brains can do, it’s known as intuition. AI can’t do it. Intuition appears magical because it’s so instantaneous. AI has to slog through connections one by one. Neuro-scientists don’t know how intuition can instantaneously scan through 100 trillion connections in a flash but we know AI can’t do that. Perhaps it’s simply the large number? of connections? enables this? Well, we better figure it out, before AI does. Or we’re screwed. Certainly AI will eventually figure this out?

Now that artificial intelligence is here we understand how much we don’t understand. We are using the AI to interact with our selves by having it create writing, images, sounds, something new every other month it seems. The fear is that AI will understand the human algorithm before we do. For AI to takeover the human race doesn’t require much. We have a track record of screwing ourselves. You only need give us a little push we’ll do the rest. AI doesn’t need to understand everything. The big scary “Singularity” ha we’ll be lucky if we make it there. We got a lot of problems long before Singularity gets to us.

AI is trying to catch up to the human brain. Humans are also trying to catch up to the human brain. We are finally making progress. Before 1900 we were still in the stone age. Even today half the humans believe in astrology, magic spirits and ghosts.

George Orwell said, “Whoever controls the past controls the future.” What if a third of the country already doesn’t believe in the past history? Today without even using any evil AI you could control their future. You jus tell them all that stuff in our past never happened and just feed them a new version. The farther backwards you send them the easier it becomes to control their destiny. The more of them that appear, the less children aka the knowledged ones will want to have? Will they want to bring a offspring into such a mess?

That article was 2017. ChatGPT and the big “AI Breakout” was still years away. If you look on the News today people believe anything they see or hear. All you have to do is get that lot in a frenzy and they will take care of the others soon we all live in the Matrix.

Hopefully none of this will happen and everyone will live happily ever after. On Mars. Why the fuq are we running away to Mars? If we can’t fix earth how we gonna fix that ball of dirt n rocks? It’s already destroyed so at least we can’t do that. Running away to Mars is not the answer. Neither is Brain enhancements devices.

This idea to implant devices into our brain to make a Super Brains, shouldn’t we fix the brains we already got? If we had a way to fix the brains we have now there would be a lot less hate and war, pollution and hunger homelessness crime and so forth. If your brain is not thinking correctly right now, why would do we want it enhanced? If you need anger management, your narcissistic and lack empathy giving your brain more horsepower isn’t going to fix that. Prolly make it worse. What’s the qualification application for getting Brain enhancement? Does all this brain enhancement unscramble your eggs or does it just make you more, better scrambled? It sounds like in some cases brain enhancement is just going to make you an even more horrible person than you already are. I could be wrong, but hey lets jus do it an see what happens it can’t be as bad as Idiocracy.

There is no topsoil on Mars. Do most people even know what topsoil is? Buncha dirt. Without topsoil, we wouldn’t even exist. As Paul Harvey once said, “Man — despite his artistic pretensions, his sophistication, and his many accomplishments — owes his existence to a six inch layer of topsoil and the fact that it rains.”

We can bring some potted plants up to Mars. The whole Mars thing seems unrealistic to me. Like it’s just a fundraiser for billionaires? If we could fix Mars shouldn’t fixing earth be a piece of cake? If we keep up what we’re doing now Mars will come to earth before earth goes to Mars. Today there is no rain in Spain. All their aquifers are poisoned from Pig Farming. We do that too, we use animal “slurry” (excrement) for fertilizer? The Nitrogen is fast ruining all the freshwater. We are destroying the wild animals and plants, the Oceans and Forests. We live based on CONsumption, grow or die like Wall Street says. Politicians keep us stupid.

Why are we so stuck to consumption? It goes back to the AI problem. We are still mostly primitive beings, like cavemen. In order for a civilization to survive leaders have to schmooz the masses with a baloney narrative. If you don’t, they will not be stable and will not co-operate with each other in the stabilizing of the stabilization. They will argue about delusional things and never create national unity and stability. No civilization in history has ever lasted very long. Except for Dungeons and Dragons. AI might be the only thing that can save us. At the end of the day humans are too paralyzed and polarized to make the tough decisions. AI can “let us off the hook” take the rap for, implementing difficult decisions.

I keep seeing Ads for AI to control your network security and to control your automated weapon systems. This has to be two red flags if there ever was any? Even if you get the AI to control it perfectly, that might even make it all the more dangerous of a situation. When AI is working 20+ levels deep it can get you and co-workers and competitors all thinking they are doing the right thing because nobody can see it coming. Until the damage is done.

In Ex Machina, Nathan and Caleb both thought they knew what was going on. Ava the charming AI she was always ten steps ahead, they couldn’t parse things like that, she kept it just beyond their reach. We need to do something. Humans are not going to survive in their current form and behavior. What do we do? Have the good guy AI defeating the bad guy AI? Okay then. Very well.

Good morning. This morning after coffee I was thinking we are in cognitive shock. For 300,000 years information was slow and it was not Democratized. Suddenly in the past 100 years life expectancy doubled, tripled, and information is super Democratized in a sped up exponential vortex. After 300k years are we ready for this overnight change? I think not.

THATS MY POP GUESSOLOGY RANT FOR TODAY thank you Thank you everyone, enjoy the veal See you at the Vic Goodnight everybody.

Steven Pinker says we are confused about “super intelligence” taking over and doing away with us to subjugate humanity. He describes it as alpha male projections from Prometheus and Pandora myths. AI subjugate humanity? He’s talking about The Jetsons age, we are going to be lucky to make it that far, we’ll be lucky to get there and have that to worry about. 

When he talks about our dysfunctional “rationality” that’s when he’s describing today. He gives a brilliant description of cognitive dysfunction but he describes it like we are all the same. He seeks to, “explain the most widely applicable normative tools of reason” as if we could just get these tools to them they will get it. He says they can be “taught” and “goaded” and “inspired.” Is that so….. Who is “they” he’s talking about? This only works for folks that can be taught. Conventional teaching.  

Today we have all this teaching knowledge, education, modernity, powerful tools, for free even, right at everyones fingertips, and yet we’re having the same cognitive dysfunction like undeveloped nations who don’t have all our advantages. Social media can trigger the same problems anywhere in the world.

Something is going on here that is not about simply tools or teaching. If folks have the ability to be taught they have an avenue to not have had this problem in the first place. We have to stop looking at this problem like more school, more money, more knowledge is the answer. All that works, until it doesn’t. Why is it not working?

Historian Christopher Browning’s book, Ordinary Men has been made into a Netflix documentary. It follows a Police battalion in Nazi Germany. They are assigned to do horrible things but they are not soldiers, they are not the SS or special units, they are ordinary Policemen. The documentary carefully examines how ordinary people can go way off the script by the right circumstances. Some know better and do it anyway. Some don’t seem to know better, some just changed and enjoyed the killing full stop. Some know it’s wrong and get out of it. The whole dynamic is similar to our problem today with “fake news” endless conspiracies twitter trolls QAnon Facebook, political “cults of personality” mass manipulation misinformation brain washing.

In 30,000 years has the human brain changed? Or was it always this way and “exposed” by modernity? Steven Pinker gives examples of “primitive” ancient hunter gatherer societies that use more critical thinking than we do in Florida today.

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